Avatar 2 Shows Off New Concept Art


Fans of James Cameron’s Avatar film can look forward to seeing new locations in the vast alien world of Pandora’s Avatar 2.

Through the official Avatar Twitter account, images of the new locations to be featured in the planned sequels have surfaced. Considering the size of Pandora in the original movie, it’s safe to assume there is much more to cover in the sequels.


The world of Pandora is known for its natural beauty with mountain formations and dense forests. The new concept art also gives a glimpse of new creatures we haven’t seen before.




During the 10th anniversary celebration, James Cameron explained why the sequels are taking so long to release: “It’s like making two and a half big animated films. A typical big animated film takes about four years, so, if you do the math on that, we’re kind of right on schedule for December 2021.”


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