Enemy Of The State Sequel In The Works, Will Smith Could Return


One of the more underrated entries in Will Smith’s rise to the top of Hollywood’s A-list during the 1990s, Enemy of the State was a typically stylish Tony Scott thriller about government corruption and the abuse of surveillance technology. The combination of Smith, Scott and producer Jerry Bruckheimer at the height of his powers saw the movie become a huge hit, going on to earn over $250 million at the box office.

The themes and ideas found in the plot were timely back then, and are much more relevant now in the modern era, with the use of facial recognition and surveillance technology in everyday life a source of constant debate on an almost daily basis. It seems as though someone in Hollywood has realized this, too, because a source is saying that a sequel to Enemy of the State is being cooked up and that the studio wants Will Smith to return.

Apparently, the plan would be for Smith to reprise his role as Robert Clayton Dean, who after unraveling the conspiracy at the center of the first movie now works for the government and is sent to track down a young man accused of committing a cyber-crime. Of course, the man turns out to be innocent and Smith’s character ends up helping him clear his name, presumably as they try to evade the shadowy forces sent after them by the government in a desperate race against time.


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