Dolittle Is Getting Destroyed By Critics

With his time playing Tony Stark in the Marvel Cinematic Universe officially over, Robert Downey Jr. is now free from the shackles of multi-picture contracts, and able to feature in anything he wants. As one of the biggest stars in the industry, the 54 year-old will no doubt be fielding plenty of offers, and will have the opportunity to pick and choose between his projects. Unfortunately, though, his first post-MCU outing looks to be a huge misstep.

There are some movies that just have ‘box office bomb’ written all over them, and Dolittle definitely fits the criteria. At no point has there been anything approaching positive buzz surrounding it, which isn’t an encouraging sign for an effects-heavy blockbuster with a budget rumored to be $175 million. Things weren’t helped by reports of extremely negative reactions to test screenings, either, which then led to extensive rewrites and reshoots, resulting in the original release date of May 2019 being pushed back to this upcoming weekend.

Downey Jr. admitted that he decided to make Dolittle after discussing it with his wife, who acts as producer under the duo’s Team Downey banner, so that they could work together on a movie that they could share with their children. Hopefully the kids like it, too, because based on the early reviews, not a lot of people do.


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