Big E Defeats Apollo Crews


WWE Intercontinental Champion Big E defended his title for the very first time on SmackDown this week against Apollo Crews. The match was made during last week’s show, after the pair had teamed together, when in a backstage promo Big E said he would take on all challengers. Crews immediately challenged him, much to his surprise.

The two had a surprisingly competitive match, one that seemingly came to an end before the first commercial break as a suplex spot turned into a double pinfall. Crews thought that he had won the title as they went to break, but his shoulders were also down. Big E looked confused.


When they came back, the referee ruled that nobody had won the match due to the double pin and restarted the match. Big E was aggressive right off the bat after he was slapped in the face hard by Crews. After a flurry of offense from Big E, Crews fought back and got some offense in again. They clearly tried to put over Crews as a top challenger even in defeat.

In the end, Big E hit the Uranage and followed it with a Big Ending to get the pinfall.


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