Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Leak Reveals Some Classic Maps

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare players who’ve already come close to mastering the game’s current selection of maps, you might be interested to know of a sizable leak that proclaims a ton of maps are on the way. Some of those will look quite familiar to longtime Call of Duty players with maps like Rust and Shipment that’ll make returns as 6v6 and 10v10 modes, and the leaks also hint at a battle royale mode and massive Ground War maps.

These leaks come from those who claim to have sources familiar with Infinity Ward’s plans for Modern Warfare as well as datamines which uncovered names and first looks at some of the maps. The YouTuber TheGamingRevolution contributed to the leaks as did some users within the Modern Warfare communities like the Redditor Senescallo who shared a list of a whopping 38 multiplayer maps that are supposedly coming to Modern Warfare.


Both leaks encompassed maps for multiple game modes including the traditional multiplayer experience and newer modes like Modern Warfare’s Gunfight. Two of the maps that showed up in both leaks and would be particularly exciting to Modern Warfare are Shipment and Rust. The first of those came from the original Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare while the second came from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. These close-quarters maps were favorites within those games and were sites of constant combat. According to TheGamingRevolution, those two maps should be coming soon as free map packs.


One of the most interesting parts of the leak indicated that there was some sort of massive map coming to the game, one that may serve as a battle royale map or a huge Ground War battleground. TheGamingRevolution theorized that it might be a 100v100 map, though that’s all conjecture until Infinity Ward says something concrete about its plans.



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