Could Doctor Strange Show Up In Spider-Man 3

After having Tony Stark and Nick Fury in the past two films, respectively, it stands to reason that Spider-Man 3 will pair Tom Holland’s web-slinger up with another key player in the MCU.


According to a source “a major Avenger” will team up with Spidey the next time around. Ms. Marvel, fresh off her own Disney Plus series, is one option, but we can see the slot going to one of the other two heroes that we were informed are in consideration: Captain Marvel or Doctor Strange.


There would be a lot of merit in seeing either of these pairings play out as the dynamic would be a lot of fun in each case. First of all, Peter briefly met Captain Marvel at the climax of Avengers: Endgame, when Carol came to take the Infinity Gauntlet off him. He seemed pretty in awe of her at the time and it’s worth mentioning that the two actually dated in the comic. Obviously, the age difference between the MCU versions would make this a little weird but they could still nod to it by giving Spidey a schoolboy crush on her.


As for Doctor Strange, we already got some comedic gems between these two in Avengers: Infinity War, with the ultra-serious Strange left unimpressed with the excitable teen’s attitude. It’d be great to see this relationship thaw and for Strange to learn to lighten up under the wall-crawler’s influence.


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